Wednesday, February 28, 2018

A Thanks and a Reminder!

If you are reading this blog, you are most likely a parent.  If you’re a parent, you’ve surely had the experience of driving around your own children in your vehicle.  Therefore, you understand on a very SMALL level, what it is like to drive a bus full of children.  Imagine driving your vehicle with 50 children in it!  Our bus drivers do this each morning and each afternoon for 9 months of the year!  Our drivers get our athletes to and from away games safely, navigate the Twin Cities during state competitions, and have to drive late at night many times!  I’m not sure HOW they manage to do it with skill, patience, and kindness but they do!  We are grateful for our bus drivers and appreciate all they do for our students!  Happy Bus Driver Appreciation Day!   

Parent/Teacher conferences for the high school are scheduled for March 12 from 2:30pm to 8:30pm in the Competition Gym.  Stop by and visit with your child’s teacher, pick up your child’s 3rd quarter report card, or simply come and have some cookies and juice!