Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Not your typical High School English class...

Flexible Seating in High School English Class?

     Last summer, Mrs. Heather Anderson came to me with what I thought was a strange request.  She wanted most of her student desks removed so she could try something "new" in her classroom for the 2016-2017 school year.  Mrs. Anderson is an excellent teacher, great at classroom management, a proven veteran...but no student desks?  Really?!  Having taught 8th and 10th grade English myself, it was an understatement to say I was intrigued and even a little skeptical.  I gave her the green light and Mrs. Anderson went to work in transforming her traditional classroom to a classroom set up with flexible seating.    

To be perfectly honest, there are a few traditional student desks in this classroom, just not many!  There are comfortable couches, recliners, and rocking chairs.  You'll find tables where you can sit and collaborate with a group of other students and you'll find a "tall" table where you can stand and work during class.  Students were encouraged to try out the different styles of seating during the early portion of the year and find the style of seating that works best for them!

"Students were surprised by what their actual seating preference ended up being." reports Mrs. Anderson.  "I'm seeing my seniors use their time to work on their papers in class because they can get comfortable and get to work."  Get comfortable and get to work...a concept that is different for each of us.  Some students like headphones with music while they work and some students put headphones on with NO get complete silence while they work.  Some students want to sit at a traditional desk and work, others lay on the floor to type their paper!  What is important, is that students find what works for them so they can focus work hard!

Both of our Kindergarten teachers incorporate flexible seating in their classrooms. According to Mrs. Karen Dalager, "Students use the floor, wobble chairs, stools, standing stations, gaming chairs, crates on wheels, and even an old doctor stool. They love LOVE the wobble chairs."

This is my 16th year in education and one thing that I've learned is that the education world is constantly evolving and changing.  It's up to us to keep up and provide our students with the best, most modern education we can.  Will traditional classrooms become a thing of the past?  Only time will tell!  

Click on the links below to learn more about flexible seating in classrooms.  The first one has a great video!